DOWNLOAD PRTG Network Monitor 16.3.25 Full Crack adalah solusi monitoring jaringan muka dan user-friendly yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memonitor jaringan komputer Anda dan semua perangkat lain termasuk router, switch, firewall, database server dan lainnya. PRTG Network Monitor 16.3.25 Serial key.PRTG Network Monitor 16.3.25 Crack, License Key Download (1)
PRTG Network Monitor 16.3.25 kunci Lisensi menawarkan lebih dari 50 jenis sensor yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memantau konektivitas TCP / IP, tanggapan basis data, konten HTTP, protokol Internet umum, nilai WMI, sensor kustom dan banyak lagi. Penggunaan software ini sangat mudah untuk membuat dan menggunakan. Ini sepenuhnya versi terbaru dari PRTG Network Monitor, versi ini memiliki banyak perubahan dan fitur baru disertakan. t juga dapat memantau dan mengklasifikasikan penggunaan bandwidth dalam jaringan menggunakan SNMP, Packet Sniffing dan NetFlow. Proyek ini memberikan kata rahasia memastikan antarmuka web yang dapat diakses dari program apapun pada sistem atau Internet (jika diatur untuk memungkinkan akses luar) dan di samping itu pelanggan kerangka piring yang menyarankan Anda dari masalah apapun dengan gadget yang diamati.
Cepat dadakan Download (178 MB): tidak ada struktur web atau mengganggu pendaftaran
Terus berjalan di semua adaptasi Windows (Windows 7 atau lambat): server atau workstation, 32 atau 64 bit
Memperkenalkan di 3 menit: tidak ada tambahan download diperlukan (NET, SQL Server dan sebagainya.)
Cerdas arah dengan produk: Untuk mulai setup, kebanyakan klien akan tidak perlu membaca dengan teliti manual (atau perlu mempersiapkan)
Penuh disorot Antarmuka program berbasis web: terbaik di kelas, situs berbasis AJAX
antarmuka berbasis HTML hanya, program web moderat (sorot dibatasi) untuk program yang lebih berpengalaman dan ponsel (terus berjalan pada IE 6/7/8, iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone)
aplikasi Asli Windows terutama untuk pendirian luas: Venture Console. Mendasari melihat mengamati informasi dari beberapa segi PRTG dalam satu aplikasi tunggal.
Lebih dari 200 macam sensor yang mencakup semua bagian dari sistem mengamati
Dalam PRTG Cluster sampai 5 kali PRTG ( "Nodes") bekerja sama untuk membuat failover kerangka mengamati toleran.
Dengan dugaan jauh Probe PRTG Network Monitor dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menyaring beberapa sistem di berbagai bidang:
dashboard terus menerus dengan eksekusi hidup dan data status
PRTG mendasari mengamati dari 1 hingga besar banyak sensor untuk setiap pendirian (Silakan lihat pengaturan yang disarankan untuk sebagian besar klien PRTG)
PRTG Network Monitor 16.3.25 Crack, License Key Download (1)
Sistem operasi:
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 * (dianjurkan)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 *
- Microsoft Windows 10 **
- Microsoft Windows 8.1
- Microsoft Windows 8
- Microsoft Windows 7
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Peralatan Kebutuhan:
64 MB RAM (128 MB dan lebih direkomendasikan)
antara 25kb dan ruang disk 300kb per sensor per hari untuk database data pemantauan
TCP / IP Network Connection
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 / 4.5
peramban Internet
Link download :
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- 5 Ajax Web Interface - Basic Procedures
- 5.1 Login
- 5.2 SSL Certificate Warning
- 5.3 Welcome Page
- 5.4 General Layout
- 5.5 Sensor States
- 5.6 Review Monitoring Data
- 5.7 Compare Sensors
- 5.8 Historic Data Reports
- 5.9 Similar Sensors
- 5.10 Recommended Sensors
- 5.11 Object Settings
- 5.12 Alarms
- 5.13 System Information
- 5.14 Logs
- 5.15 Tickets
- 5.16 Working with Table Lists
- 5.17 Object Selector
- 5.18 Priority and Favorites
- 5.19 Pause
- 5.20 Context Menus
- 5.21 Hover Popup
- 5.22 Main Menu Structure
- 6 Ajax Web Interface - Device and Sensor Setup
- 6.1 Auto-Discovery
- 6.2 Create Objects Manually
- 6.3 Manage Device Tree
- 6.4 Root Group Settings
- 6.5 Probe Settings
- 6.6 Group Settings
- 6.7 Device Settings
- 6.8 Sensor Settings
- 6.8.1 List of Available Sensor Types
- 6.8.2 Active Directory Replication Errors Sensor
- 6.8.3 ADO SQL v2 Sensor
- 6.8.4 Amazon CloudWatch Alarm Sensor
- 6.8.5 Amazon CloudWatch EBS Sensor
- 6.8.6 Amazon CloudWatch EC2 Sensor
- 6.8.7 Amazon CloudWatch ElastiCache Sensor
- 6.8.8 Amazon CloudWatch ELB Sensor
- 6.8.9 Amazon CloudWatch RDS Sensor
- 6.8.10 Amazon CloudWatch SNS Sensor
- 6.8.11 Amazon CloudWatch SQS Sensor
- 6.8.12 Business Process Sensor
- 6.8.13 Cisco IP SLA Sensor
- 6.8.14 Citrix XenServer Host Sensor
- 6.8.15 Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine Sensor
- 6.8.16 Cloud HTTP Sensor
- 6.8.17 Cloud Ping Sensor
- 6.8.18 Cluster Health Sensor
- 6.8.19 Common SaaS Sensor
- 6.8.20 Core Health Sensor
- 6.8.21 Dell PowerVault MDi Logical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.22 Dell PowerVault MDi Physical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.23 DHCP Sensor
- 6.8.24 DNS Sensor
- 6.8.25 Docker Container Status Sensor
- 6.8.26 Dropbox Sensor
- 6.8.27 Enterprise Virtual Array Sensor
- 6.8.28 Event Log (Windows API) Sensor
- 6.8.29 Exchange Backup (Powershell) Sensor
- 6.8.30 Exchange Database (Powershell) Sensor
- 6.8.31 Exchange Database DAG (Powershell) Sensor
- 6.8.32 Exchange Mail Queue (Powershell) Sensor
- 6.8.33 Exchange Mailbox (Powershell) Sensor
- 6.8.34 Exchange Public Folder (Powershell) Sensor
- 6.8.35 EXE/Script Sensor
- 6.8.36 EXE/Script Advanced Sensor
- 6.8.37 File Sensor
- 6.8.38 File Content Sensor
- 6.8.39 Folder Sensor
- 6.8.40 FTP Sensor
- 6.8.41 FTP Server File Count Sensor
- 6.8.42 GitLab Build Status Sensor
- 6.8.43 Google Analytics Sensor
- 6.8.44 Google Drive Sensor
- 6.8.45 HTTP Sensor
- 6.8.46 HTTP Advanced Sensor
- 6.8.47 HTTP Apache ModStatus PerfStats Sensor
- 6.8.48 HTTP Apache ModStatus Totals Sensor
- 6.8.49 HTTP Content Sensor
- 6.8.50 HTTP Data Advanced Sensor
- 6.8.51 HTTP Full Web Page Sensor
- 6.8.52 HTTP Push Count Sensor
- 6.8.53 HTTP Push Data Sensor
- 6.8.54 HTTP Push Data Advanced Sensor
- 6.8.55 HTTP Transaction Sensor
- 6.8.56 HTTP XML/REST Value Sensor
- 6.8.57 Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free Sensor
- 6.8.58 Hyper-V Host Server Sensor
- 6.8.59 Hyper-V Virtual Machine Sensor
- 6.8.60 Hyper-V Virtual Network Adapter Sensor
- 6.8.61 Hyper-V Virtual Storage Device Sensor
- 6.8.62 IMAP Sensor
- 6.8.63 IP on DNS Blacklist Sensor
- 6.8.64 IPFIX Sensor
- 6.8.65 IPFIX (Custom) Sensor
- 6.8.66 IPMI System Health Sensor
- 6.8.67 jFlow V5 Sensor
- 6.8.68 jFlow V5 (Custom) Sensor
- 6.8.69 LDAP Sensor
- 6.8.70 Microsoft OneDrive Sensor
- 6.8.71 Microsoft SQL v2 Sensor
- 6.8.72 MySQL v2 Sensor
- 6.8.73 NetApp cDOT Aggregate (SOAP) Sensor
- 6.8.74 NetApp cDOT I/O (SOAP) Sensor
- 6.8.75 NetApp cDOT Physical Disk (SOAP) Sensor
- 6.8.76 NetApp cDOT System Health (SOAP) Sensor
- 6.8.77 NetFlow V5 Sensor
- 6.8.78 NetFlow V5 (Custom) Sensor
- 6.8.79 NetFlow V9 Sensor
- 6.8.80 NetFlow V9 (Custom) Sensor
- 6.8.81 Oracle SQL v2 Sensor
- 6.8.82 Oracle Tablespace Sensor
- 6.8.83 Packet Sniffer Sensor
- 6.8.84 Packet Sniffer (Custom) Sensor
- 6.8.85 PerfCounter Custom Sensor
- 6.8.86 PerfCounter IIS Application Pool Sensor
- 6.8.87 Ping Sensor
- 6.8.88 Ping Jitter Sensor
- 6.8.89 POP3 Sensor
- 6.8.90 Port Sensor
- 6.8.91 Port Range Sensor
- 6.8.92 PostgreSQL Sensor
- 6.8.93 Probe Health Sensor
- 6.8.94 Python Script Advanced Sensor
- 6.8.95 QoS (Quality of Service) One Way Sensor
- 6.8.96 QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip Sensor
- 6.8.97 RADIUS v2 Sensor
- 6.8.98 RDP (Remote Desktop) Sensor
- 6.8.99 Share Disk Free Sensor
- 6.8.100 Sensor Factory Sensor
- 6.8.101 sFlow Sensor
- 6.8.102 sFlow (Custom) Sensor
- 6.8.103 SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol Sensor
- 6.8.104 SIP Options Ping Sensor
- 6.8.105 SMTP Sensor
- 6.8.106 SMTP&IMAP Round Trip Sensor
- 6.8.107 SMTP&POP3 Round Trip Sensor
- 6.8.108 SNMP APC Hardware Sensor
- 6.8.109 SNMP Buffalo TS System Health Sensor
- 6.8.110 SNMP Cisco ADSL Sensor
- 6.8.111 SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Connections Sensor
- 6.8.112 SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Traffic Sensor
- 6.8.113 SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Users Sensor
- 6.8.114 SNMP Cisco CBQoS Sensor
- 6.8.115 SNMP Cisco System Health Sensor
- 6.8.116 SNMP Cisco UCS Blade Sensor
- 6.8.117 SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis Sensor
- 6.8.118 SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.119 SNMP Cisco UCS System Health Sensor
- 6.8.120 SNMP CPU Load Sensor
- 6.8.121 SNMP Custom Sensor
- 6.8.122 SNMP Custom Advanced Sensor
- 6.8.123 SNMP Custom String Sensor
- 6.8.124 SNMP Custom String Lookup Sensor
- 6.8.125 SNMP Custom Table Sensor
- 6.8.126 SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.127 SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member Health Sensor
- 6.8.128 SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.129 SNMP Dell Hardware Sensor
- 6.8.130 SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.131 SNMP Dell PowerEdge System Health Sensor
- 6.8.132 SNMP Disk Free Sensor
- 6.8.133 SNMP Hardware Status Sensor
- 6.8.134 SNMP HP BladeSystem Blade Sensor
- 6.8.135 SNMP HP BladeSystem Enclosure System Health Sensor
- 6.8.136 SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware Sensor
- 6.8.137 SNMP HP ProLiant Logical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.138 SNMP HP ProLiant Memory Controller Sensor
- 6.8.139 SNMP HP ProLiant Network Interface Sensor
- 6.8.140 SNMP HP ProLiant Physical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.141 SNMP HP ProLiant System Health Sensor
- 6.8.142 SNMP IBM System X Logical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.143 SNMP IBM System X Physical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.144 SNMP IBM System X Physical Memory Sensor
- 6.8.145 SNMP IBM System X System Health Sensor
- 6.8.146 SNMP interSeptor Pro Environment Sensor
- 6.8.147 SNMP Juniper NS System Health Sensor
- 6.8.148 SNMP LenovoEMC Physical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.149 SNMP LenovoEMC System Health Sensor
- 6.8.150 SNMP Library Sensor
- 6.8.151 SNMP Linux Disk Free Sensor
- 6.8.152 SNMP Linux Load Average Sensor
- 6.8.153 SNMP Linux Meminfo Sensor
- 6.8.154 SNMP Linux Physical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.155 SNMP Memory Sensor
- 6.8.156 SNMP NetApp Disk Free Sensor
- 6.8.157 SNMP NetApp Enclosure Sensor
- 6.8.158 SNMP NetApp I/O Sensor
- 6.8.159 SNMP NetApp License Sensor
- 6.8.160 SNMP NetApp Logical Unit Sensor
- 6.8.161 SNMP NetApp Network Interface Sensor
- 6.8.162 SNMP NetApp System Health Sensor
- 6.8.163 SNMP Poseidon Environment Sensor
- 6.8.164 SNMP Printer Sensor
- 6.8.165 SNMP QNAP Logical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.166 SNMP QNAP Physical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.167 SNMP QNAP System Health Sensor
- 6.8.168 SNMP RMON Sensor
- 6.8.169 SNMP SonicWALL System Health Sensor
- 6.8.170 SNMP SonicWALL VPN Traffic Sensor
- 6.8.171 SNMP Synology Logical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.172 SNMP Synology Physical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.173 SNMP Synology System Health Sensor
- 6.8.174 SNMP System Uptime Sensor
- 6.8.175 SNMP Traffic Sensor
- 6.8.176 SNMP Trap Receiver Sensor
- 6.8.177 SNMP Windows Service Sensor
- 6.8.178 SNTP Sensor
- 6.8.179 SSH Disk Free Sensor
- 6.8.180 SSH INodes Free Sensor
- 6.8.181 SSH Load Average Sensor
- 6.8.182 SSH Meminfo Sensor
- 6.8.183 SSH Remote Ping Sensor
- 6.8.184 SSH SAN Enclosure Sensor
- 6.8.185 SSH SAN Logical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.186 SSH SAN Physical Disk Sensor
- 6.8.187 SSH SAN System Health Sensor
- 6.8.188 SSH Script Sensor
- 6.8.189 SSH Script Advanced Sensor
- 6.8.190 SSL Certificate Sensor
- 6.8.191 SSL Security Check Sensor
- 6.8.192 Syslog Receiver Sensor
- 6.8.193 System Health Sensor
- 6.8.194 TFTP Sensor
- 6.8.195 Traceroute Hop Count Sensor
- 6.8.196 VMware Datastore (SOAP) Sensor
- 6.8.197 VMware Host Hardware (WBEM) Sensor
- 6.8.198 VMware Host Hardware Status (SOAP) Sensor
- 6.8.199 VMware Host Performance (SOAP) Sensor
- 6.8.200 VMware Virtual Machine (SOAP) Sensor
- 6.8.201 Windows CPU Load Sensor
- 6.8.202 Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Received Sensor
- 6.8.203 Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Sent Sensor
- 6.8.204 Windows IIS Application Sensor
- 6.8.205 Windows MSMQ Queue Length Sensor
- 6.8.206 Windows Network Card Sensor
- 6.8.207 Windows Pagefile Sensor
- 6.8.208 Windows Physical Disk I/O Sensor
- 6.8.209 Windows Print Queue Sensor
- 6.8.210 Windows Process Sensor
- 6.8.211 Windows System Uptime Sensor
- 6.8.212 Windows Updates Status (Powershell) Sensor
- 6.8.213 WMI Custom Sensor
- 6.8.214 WMI Custom String Sensor
- 6.8.215 WMI Event Log Sensor
- 6.8.216 WMI Exchange Server Sensor
- 6.8.217 WMI Exchange Transport Queue Sensor
- 6.8.218 WMI File Sensor
- 6.8.219 WMI Free Disk Space (Multi Disk) Sensor
- 6.8.220 WMI HDD Health Sensor
- 6.8.221 WMI Logical Disk I/O Sensor
- 6.8.222 WMI Memory Sensor
- 6.8.223 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Sensor (Deprecated)
- 6.8.224 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Sensor
- 6.8.225 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Sensor
- 6.8.226 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Sensor
- 6.8.227 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Sensor
- 6.8.228 WMI Remote Ping Sensor
- 6.8.229 WMI Security Center Sensor
- 6.8.230 WMI Service Sensor
- 6.8.231 WMI Share Sensor
- 6.8.232 WMI SharePoint Process Sensor
- 6.8.233 WMI Terminal Services (Windows 2008+) Sensor
- 6.8.234 WMI Terminal Services (Windows XP/Vista/2003) Sensor
- 6.8.235 WMI UTC Time Sensor
- 6.8.236 WMI Vital System Data (V2) Sensor
- 6.8.237 WMI Volume Sensor
- 6.8.238 WSUS Statistics Sensor
- 6.9 Additional Sensor Types (Custom Sensors)
- 6.10 Sensor Channels Settings
- 6.11 Sensor Notifications Settings
- 7 Ajax Web Interface - Advanced Procedures
- 7.1 Toplists
- 7.2 Arrange Objects
- 7.3 Clone Object
- 7.4 Multi-Edit
- 7.5 Create Device Template
- 7.6 Show Dependencies
- 7.7 Geo Maps
- 7.8 Notifications
- 7.9 Libraries
- 7.10 Reports
- 7.11 Maps
- 7.12 Setup
- 7.12.1 Account Settings - My Account
- 7.12.2 Account Settings - Notifications
- 7.12.3 Account Settings - Notification Contacts
- 7.12.4 Account Settings - Schedules
- 7.12.5 System Administration - User Interface
- 7.12.6 System Administration - Monitoring
- 7.12.7 System Administration - Notification Delivery
- 7.12.8 System Administration - Core & Probes
- 7.12.9 System Administration - User Accounts
- 7.12.10 System Administration - User Groups
- 7.12.11 System Administration - Administrative Tools
- 7.12.12 System Administration - Cluster
- 7.12.13 PRTG Status - System Status
- 7.12.14 PRTG Status - Auto-Update
- 7.12.15 PRTG Status - Cluster Status
- 7.12.16 PRTG Status - Licensing Status and Settings
- 7.12.17 Optional Downloads and Tools
- 7.12.18 Desktop Notifications
- 7.12.19 Support - Contact Support
- 10 Sensor Technologies
- 10.1 Monitoring via SNMP
- 10.2 Monitoring via WMI
- 10.3 Monitoring via SSH
- 10.4 Monitoring Bandwidth via Packet Sniffing
- 10.5 Monitoring Bandwidth via Flows
- 10.6 Bandwidth Monitoring Comparison
- 10.7 Monitoring Quality of Service and VoIP
- 10.8 Monitoring Email Round Trip
- 10.9 Monitoring Backups
- 10.10 Monitoring Virtual Environments
- 10.11 Monitoring Databases
- 10.12 Monitoring Syslogs and SNMP Traps
- 12 Advanced Topics
- 12.1 Active Directory Integration
- 12.2 Application Programming Interface (API) Definition
- 12.3 Filter Rules for xFlow, IPFIX and Packet Sniffer Sensors
- 12.4 Channel Definitions for xFlow, IPFIX, and Packet Sniffer Sensors
- 12.5 Define IP Ranges
- 12.6 Define Lookups
- 12.7 Regular Expressions
- 12.8 Calculating Percentiles
- 12.9 Add Remote Probe
- 12.10 Failover Cluster Configuration
- 12.11 Data Storage
- 12.12 Using Your Own SSL Certificate with PRTG\s Web Server
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